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On this blog you'll access to important information related to scientists and their contribution in the field of Biological science as well as other fields of Science. I hope this blog helpful for every person who looking for study or research in Science.
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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Alfred Nobel

We can never be sure what life is going to deal us and at times, it may offer us opportunities in rather strange ways. Alfred Noble is one of those men who had an opportunity put in front of him, ultimately as a result of misfortune that fell upon his father. This gave rise to one of the most important Alfred Noble inventions, one that is even used down to this very day.
Alfred Noble was born in Stockholm Sweden in 1833. His father was a very successful contractor and businessman up until that point but in the same year that Alfred was born, he was forced into bankruptcy because of losing several barges of building material. This forced him to move from Stockholm into Russia, where he became a successful businessman who was making explosives for the Russian military. As a matter of fact, Alfred Noble's father was one of the key individuals who convinced the Tsar that naval mines could be used in order to protect the city from invading naval forces.
Eventually, he brought his family to Russia to live with him. This is where the history of Alfred Noble inventions really begins. Since his father was involved in making explosives for the military, he became keenly interested in mass-producing nitroglycerin and finding a way to develop this highly volatile explosive safely. Eventually, however, the war that Russia was involved in at the time ended and his father was once again forced into bankruptcy, sending Alfred Noble back to Stockholm to rebuild a business. He did this using nitroglycerin but several unfortunate accidents, one of which took his brother's life eventually lead to his business being banned from within the city limits.
After finding a way to mix the nitroglycerin with some organic compounds, one of the greatest Alfred Noble inventions was born. After being mixed with the other compounds, the nitroglycerin was a lot safer to work with and was able to be formed into two which could easily be inserted into drill holes. This invention came to be known as dynamite. He also invented what is now known as a blasting cap which is what causes the dynamite to explode. Another of the Alfred Noble inventions that is noteworthy is that of ballistite, a type of smokeless gunpowder.
Perhaps one of the things which this man is most noted for, however, does not really fall under one of the Alfred Noble inventions. Upon his death, his will stipulated that his $9 million estate was to be used to fund annual prizes for such areas as literature, psychology and world peace. This is what is commonly known as the Nobel Prize.

Mendal father of Modern Genetics

Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822–January 6, 1884) was an Austrian scientist and Augustinian friar who gained posthumous fame as the founder of the new science of genetics. Mendel demonstrated that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian inheritance. Although the significance of Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century, the independent rediscovery of these laws formed the foundation of the modern science of genetics.

Dr. Albert Einstein

One of the more interesting characters out of history that most of us are familiar with in some way or another is Albert Einstein. Although most of us would think that there would be plenty of Albert Einstein inventions that were in existence, the fact of the matter is that only one of the inventions of Albert Einstein ever made it to the patent office. Since this man is such a notable figure out of history and science, however, why wouldn't it be thought that he was an inventor?
Einstein was a brilliant man who earned his doctorate and formulated some of the theories that are still used by scientists a century later.

An equation that almost all of us are familiar with is E=MC2. At its very basis, this could be considered one of Albert Einstein's inventions but what it actually is, is a theory that energy is proportionate to the amount of mass that an object holds. According to this theory, energy and mass are interchangeable to a certain degree. This gave rise to one of the most devastating inventions of all time.

During the time of World War II, it was thought that the Germans were working on a plan to build the first atomic bomb. Albert Einstein and a group of other individuals sent a letter to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt, expressing their concern over the matter and telling him that an atomic bomb was not only possible, it was a reality. Only Albert Einstein signed that letter in order to give some credit to what was being said. This gave rise to the Manhattan Project and eventually the first of two atomic weapons that were ever used during a time of war.
Although this is one of the more notable things that the man took part in, the inventions of Albert Einstein actually only amounted to a refrigeration unit that he co-invented with another individual. Interestingly enough, he was not necessarily interested in building his life around refrigeration but this is the invention that helped to fund his lifestyle and allowed him to continue his research into such things as kinetic energy.
Although it cannot really be counted as one of Albert Einstein's inventions, something that is rather interesting that he came up with is a theory as to why the sky is blue. This has long been a question that many individuals have pondered over but it wasn't until he came up with the idea that light particles scatter as a result of the atmosphere, allowing the blue spectrum to show through in which the question was answered. So, the next time you look up at the sky, you can thank Albert Einstein for understanding why it is such a beautiful color.
Saturday 21 July 2012

My Profile

Ram Chandra Choudhary
On this blog, you’ll have access to important information related to Scientist either field of Biological, Chemistry or Physics. I hope this blog is  helpful for every person who looking for study or research in Science.

Permanent Address:  Ram Chandra Choudhary
                                  M.Sc. Ag. Biotechnology
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                       E-mail:  ramchandra026@gmail.com


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